Pangek Situjuh

Situjuh was located in foot the Sago Mountain 10 km from Payakumbuh or 130 km from the Padang city was very beautiful his nature, his air was cool.
Situjuh famous with the Situjuh Incident of an opposition to the Netherlands to maintain independence.
On January 15 1949 was the historic incident, many of the leaders of the nation that died as the hero who was buried here.
Moreover Situjuh famous with typical cooking that is Pangek Situjuh, one of the Minang cooking (Minang Food) that his material from the jackfruit that was cooked with the coconut spice, turmeric and candlenuts, so as his colour was yellow that really generated appetite.
For that had visited to Situjuh and mmakan Pangek Situjuh, must want again to eat Pangek as special Minang Food or Padang Food

Inrgedients :

1. The jackfruit, 2 kg.

2. Thick coconut milk, 1500 gr.

3. The shallot, 250 gr

4. The garlic, 5 cloves

5. Ginger, of 4 cm.

6. Turmeric, 2 cm

7. Langkuas, 250 gr.

8. The red chilli, 250 gr.

9. Fish-paste, 1 x 2 x 1 cm

10.Candlenuts, 15 pcs.

11.The turmeric leaves 2

12.The citrus fruit leaves.


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